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Endosulfan Ban---The science that never got discussed
While researching my article in Open Magazine on ‘Kerala’s endosulfan tragedy---Did it really happen?’, I came across several controversial points of
view among the scientists I interviewed. These views have never really been
debated in India, and probably never will, given the politicization of the
events in Kerala. But in an ideal situation, they should have.
Increasingly (not just in India, but the world over), there
is a tendency to conflate several issues surrounding a subject. In the case of
GM foods, environmentalists conflate health effects, farmer suicides, super-weeds,
contamination by transgenes, and Monsanto’s monopolistic practices, in their
argument against GM foods. But these are five distinct issues, with five
different sets of arguments. Here is an excellent
article in Nature that separately addresses three controversial GM-related subjects
and summarizes the state of evidence in each of them.
Similarly, in the case of the endosulfan ban, there were two
separate questions---a) Were the diseases in Kerala caused by endosulfan? b) If
they weren’t, should India have banned endosulfan, invoking the precautionary
My story, which can be accessed here, argued that
there was no credible epidemiological evidence that the diseases in Kasargod were
caused by the aerial spraying of endosulfan.
But I did not
address the other part of the debate. Should India have banned endosulfan?
My research made me realize how divided scientists are on
this issue. Interestingly, the differences are mostly about the policy decision
to ban endosulfan, and not about the scientific ‘facts’ this decision was based
on. There was broad consensus on the properties of endosulfan. And one thing I
can say for sure is that contrary to what environmentalists claim with so much
confidence, it is not a ‘well-known fact’ that endosulfan is bio-accumulative
and harmful to humans.
To understand the ‘facts’ of the issue, one needs to understand
the criteria the Stockholm
Convention uses to label a chemical as a persistent organic pollutant or POP. A POP
is defined as a chemical that has four properties. First, it is persistent in
the environment and does not degrade for long periods of time. The Stockholm
Convention says chemicals with a half-life of more than 6 months in soil are
POPs. Second, the chemical should be
capable of accumulating in living creatures---i.e, the rate at which an
organism absorbs it should be greater than the rate at which it excretes it. Third,
the chemical should be capable of long-range transport. And last, the chemical
should impact human health adversely.
Let’s begin with persistence.
According to Ivan
Kennedy, a professor of environmental chemistry from the University of
Sydney with numerous published papers on
the behavior of endosulfan, the data
cited by the Stockholm Convention’s POP review committee to prove that
endosulfan has a half-life greater than 6 months was either laboratory data or
data from arctic regions. Both tend to be extreme values. Average values should
have been used, considering that in warm, tropical climates, where 95% of the
world’s endosulfan usage occurred till recently, endosulfan’s half-life in soil
is much lower than six months.
In a document titled
“Invalid basis for listing endosulfan as a POP: A critique with strong evidence
that the Stockholm Convention is exceeding its mandate, ” Kennedy systematically
questions the relevance of each bit of data cited by the Stockholm Convention’s
POP Review Committee as evidence that endosulfan is a POP. He says these data
and papers were cherry picked and did not reflect field conditions in tropical
climates. Further, the process of listing endosulfan as a POP did not include
peer-review, and therefore, could easily have been hijacked by political
I reached out to three of the scientists whose papers
Kennedy said were cherry picked. In essence, Kennedy said that while the
studies by these scientists were of good quality, they do not show that
endosufan is persistent in the field, because they are lab studies. The
scientists I contacted were N Sethunathan (author of ‘Persistence of Endosulfan and Endosulfan Sulfate in Soil as Affected by
Moisture Regime and Organic Matter Addition’, Bulletin Environmental Contamination and
Toxicology, 2002 ), Volker
Laabs (author of ‘Fate of Pesticides in Tropical Soils of Brazil under Field
Conditions’, J.
Environ. Qual, 2002), and N Vasudevan (author of ‘Effect of Tween 80 added to
soil on the degradation of endosulfan by Pseudomonas aeruginosa’, International Journal of Environmental
Science and Technology, 2007).
Their responses were fascinating.
N Sethunathan believes endosulfan is persistent. But he
agrees that his study was a lab study, as Kennedy alleges, and not a field
N Vasudevan said his study did not measure ‘persistence’ and
half-life at all. They were only measuring prevalence of the pesticide and
distribution in soil.
Volker Laabs agreed that his study was a lab study, but
believes it is still relevant to the Convention’s decision. But he also agreed
that endosulfan is unlikely to be persistent in tropical climates such as
All in all, I’d say Kennedy’s arguments bear out.
Next, I spoke to another UK-based environmental chemist, Crispin
Halsall, of the Lancaster Environment Centre. His 2010 paper “Endosulfan, a
global pesticide: A review of its fate in the environment and occurrence in the
Arctic” in the journal Science of the
Total Environment is also cited by the POP Review Committee. Further, Halsall
advised the Committee and believes the decision to classify endosulfan as a POP
was correct.
When I ran Kennedy’s arguments past him, however, Halsall
seemed to agree with them broadly. He agreed that endosulfan is not persistent
or bioaccumulative in tropical climates, but argued that even POPs like DDT
behaved differently in different climates. However, he agreed that evidence of
harm to human beings was not conclusive.
But his main point really was that even if there is
inconclusive evidence about the health effects of endosulfan, it is enough to
invoke the precautionary principle. According to him, classifying chemicals
such as DDT as POPs was easy, because they were such obvious POPs. But with
chemicals such as endosulfan, the evidence is weaker. Increasingly in the future,
he feels, there will be more debate as chemicals such as endosulfan, which are
‘on the cusp’, come up for inclusion among POPs.
The first twelve chemicals to be classified as POPs by the
convention were known as the Dirty Dozen. These included DDT, chlordane and
dieldrin. These are “true POPs”---chemicals whose properties make them very
obviously toxic. These chemicals easily meet the Stockholm Convention’s criteria.
This means their half lives in soil are clearly higher than six months; they
are clearly bioaccumulative; they travel long ranges; and they clearly effect
human health.
But endosulfan is on the cusp. It may have some properties
similar to true POPs, but in other ways, it behaves very differently.
Given all this, Keith Solomon, a professor of environmental
science at Canada’s University of Guelph, feels the precautionary principle is
just being used as a political tool in the endosulfan case. In a paper
published this year in the Journal of
Agricultural and Food Chemistry, Solomon authored a section on endosulfan,
broadly making the same points Kennedy did in his criticism of the Convention’s
decision. Solomon believes the use of precautions is enough, given the evidence
on endosulfan, and that classification as a POP was an overkill.
What makes this debate more interesting is that Solomon is a
co-author of the Science of the Total
Environment paper, together with Crispin Halsall. Basically, two co-authors
of the same paper disagree on the subject they are summarizing.
Given this background, let’s cut back to India. First, why does India need endosulfan?
I quote from my story
in Mint in 2011. “India is the supplier of
70% of the world’s endosulfan needs—a market valued at $300 million (Rs 1,340
crore). Out of the 9,000 tonnes India produces every year, half is bought by
the country’s 75 million farmers, making it the world’s largest consumer of
endosulfan. Much of it is used by farmers with small and marginal holdings,
because endosulfan is cheap—Rs 286 per kg—and has a broad spectrum of effects.
Alternatives such as flubendiamine and imidacloprid cost Rs 13,800 and Rs 2,229
per kg, respectively. Endosulfan is sprayed on all major crops such as
vegetables, cotton, pulses and rice to combat pests such as whitefly,
leafhoppers, aphids and cabbage worms, without harming insects such as bees,
which help in pollination. “This is one of the safest insecticides for
pollinators,” said A.K. Chakravarthy, entomology department head at Bangalore’s
University of Agricultural Sciences (UAS).”
So, clearly, banning
endosulfan would have a very significant impact on farmers’ livelihoods.
Let me add that being friendly to pollinators such as bees
is no small deal. Among the alternatives
to endosulfan that were proposed by the Stockholm Convention, Imidacloripid is
already being implicated in bee colony collapse disorder. Also, endosulfan has
been used for so many years that there is enough data on how to use it safely.
The same cannot be said about newer pesticides such as Flubendiamide. All
pesticides, by nature, are toxic. Should we, then, prefer a pesticide that we
have more data about, or switch to a newer, less-tested one, driven by fear?
Another alternative to endosulfan that the Stockholm
Convention suggested was organic farming. I tried very hard to determine the
impacts of organic farming in Kasargod after the ban on pesticides. C
Jayakumar, an environmentalist with Thanal, an NGO which was a major campaigner
against endosulfan, told me in an email that organic farming was working out
fantastic for Kasargod.
But, as always, there was another side to the story.
K M Sreekumar, the entomologist I quoted in my article, gave
me the example of a rice farmer whose 400 acre crop was destroyed by an attack
of leafhoppers, because endosulfan had been banned, and no suitable organic
alternative was available yet.
Unfortunately, the Plantation Corporation of Kerala does not
release data on cashew yields. So there is no way of knowing if overall yield in
its cashew estates was affected due to abrupt shift to organic farming. But
when I spoke to the managing director of PCK, he agreed that there had been an
initial loss of productivity due to the increased attack of tea-mosquito bugs.
This is to be expected. Any shift to organic farming takes
time, because a farm system must stabilize and adjust to the new interventions.
During this time, pesticides should be made available for use as a last resort.
But this didn’t happen in Kasargod. Research has shown that in cashew plantations,
any shift to organic farming immediately causes a loss of yield of up to 50
percent before the system recovers. Clearly organic farming, for all its
benefits, is no cakewalk.
To sum it up---there was a lot more to the endosulfan issue
than what was reported by the Indian and global media. In taking its decisions,
India was driven by fear and possibly misled by the political motivations
behind the Stockholm Convention’s decision. What it should have done instead
was carry out a high-quality epidemiological study of its own, evaluate the
scientific evidence, and then taken a suitable decision. It could have been the
same decision as it is today, but a more meaningful one.
Good afternoon Ms.Pulla
ReplyDeleteCurrently doing a Grade 12 research paper on the controversy surrounding Endosulfan and its banning, would you kindly relocate me to the list of studies that were submitted to the POPRC at the Stockholm Convention that were used to prove the adverse effects of the pesticide?
Thank you very much,
And you can get back to me on:,